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Welcome to the Everly Public Library
308 North Main St., Everly, IA 51338
(712) 834-2390
Open to one and all
Monday/Tuesday 10-2 and 5-7
Closed Wednesday
Thursday 5-7
Friday 10-2
Whether this is your first visit or you're an old friend, we hope to make you welcome. The library has a variety of materials and services that many of you may not know are available.
Services include easy reading and picture books for pre-readers, chapter books for K-5 readers, reference materials, pleasure reading for all ages, magazines, books on CD, large print books, story hour, adult programs, inter-library loan, holiday programs, a summer library program for kids, book by mail, open access, home delivery, videos, internet access, and public-use computers.
Becoming a Borrower: If you are a resident of Everly or rural Clay County or have a valid card from another Iowa Library, you may become a registered borrower after presenting appropriate identification with a current address. There is no fee for this service.
State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) Member: Everly Public Library is a member of the Northwest Regional Library system. Thus, we are connected via the internet to all Iowa libraries participating in the SILO project. These lenders include over 600 participating public, school, and university libraries.
Gifts to the Library: donations may be given as gifts or memorials. All gifts will be acknowledged with nameplates and bookplates.
The Everly Public Library is governed by a five-member board. The board is responsible for supervising the library and its budget, creating long-range goals, and formulating rules and regulations. Board meetings are held in the library on the second Monday at 6:00 p.m. every month.
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